Sunday, April 14, 2013

Italian way and the American way...different or the same?

OK...(by the way OK in Italian is..... OK..  Yes, it's exactly the same..)
Yesterday I was sitting on the above beach here in Punta Ala, Italy and I got all philosophical...
so here we go...

 Italy and America, in many different
in many ways the same... they are similar...

On a beach in Italy there are waves lapping onto the sand on the shore,
 just as the sea laps onto the shore in America.

Some people are bitter and hardened.  Some laugh with friends until happy tears flow down their cheeks.

In Italy there are trees, grass and mosquitoes, just like in America.

Some people are broken by divorce.  Some find new life after.

In Italy the dogs, cats and horses can understand the italian spoken to them, just like the animals in America can understand the english spoken to them.

In Italy, sometimes children cry in church, just like in America.

Italy has wifi, cell phones, ipads, youtube and facebook...
and one of my favorite tv shows...'Castle'...expertly dubbed in italian...

In Italy, many people are friendly and warm, but some are not, just like in America.

In both places there is seeking for meaning and happiness, there is hope, there is despair.

 Differences between Italy and America...

In America we don't feed our horses hardened loaves of cut up bread
 that have been donated by the local bakery.  (Turns out, it's good for their teeth :)

Italians are much better at not wasting things (like bread)...
Americans often seem to be in conquest of bigger, better, more convenient, more impressive things.
In Italy, if it does its job, that good. If it's not shiny, who cares.  If it breaks, fix it, don't throw it away.

  If you are talking with a friend, that 'next thing'  that you were going to do can wait...
  Savor the moment.  Be in the moment.
  In America, we often loose those moments because we give into the
tyranny of the next thing.
The Italians can spot Americans because of they, uh we, are noticeably driven by
 the tyranny of the next thing.  
Think about it.  You might say to your child:  No. No. Stop laughing with your grandpa... we have to go to your baseball practice...  I am convinced that the typical Italian would not choose this.

The Italians have a saying:  Il dolce far niente... The sweetness of doing nothing.
  I challenge you to try it.  It is almost impossible.  At least at first. For an American.

 Living here in Italy, I have been practicing.  I mean really Practicing.  It's an art...
  To stop being preoccupied.
To not be driven by the tyranny of the next thing.  To actually be in the moment.....

Try it.
  Stop doing.  Stop pursuing   Stop planning.  Stop searching.  Stop thinking.  Just absorb you surroundings.  Feel the sun or rain on your face.   Breath.  Smell.  Feel.  Absorb.  Appreciate it all... Breath again.
  That moment will never, ever come again.
  Experience it.
 Be a human being a human... being.  Think about it...
Be a human being a human...being...


Min67 said...

Hi Leslie, I was just thinking of you this morning. Your blog made me cry....You are truly an inspiration! I am so glad that you are enjoying "being" in Italy! We love you and miss you!
Melinda & Claire

Sue said...

Ciao Bella Leslie (Suzanne)-
I am enjoying reading and experiencing with you your impressions of Italy! How wonderful to see it through your eyes! Judging from your posts and pictures you indeed are relaxing, experiencing and reflecting what's important for YOU to do now. Good for you! Looking forward to learning more...Blessings always-- Sue from Ennis, MT

Unknown said...

Bravo! So true. Great advice I do really need to try it. Sounds like a great, healthy, far less stressful mindset.